Dear Christmas, when did you get here?!?! Seems like just yesterday was Thanksgiving and you were weeks away! My 'o my how time flies!
This year we went with the same theme as last year and the same theme as our wedding-peacocks! Yes indeed, I love peacock feathers in case you couldn't tell from my blog design.
Here are some shots of our house all decked out to celebrate the birth of Christ!

2,100 lights later, we have ourselves a merry and BRIGHT tree!

Ok ok...enough of the tree...
'The ornaments were hung from our dining room light fixture with care'...(The hub's contribution to decorating) peacock feathers in this room yet, but next year I have big plans for feathering this room too!

(thanks Mom for the christmas napkins!)

Santa and the girl on the naughty list AGAIN this year!

Christmas party crew...

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!