- Some of Cory’s evening clients were out of town so we got to spend more time together during the evening this week. I’ve really enjoyed hearing his voice when I walk in the house. I also loved sitting down to eat dinner and talking about our day before 8:30pm.
Girls dinner….I meet some of my girlfriends one evening each week for dinner. Last week we painted and had a blast! I don’t think I’ve picked up a paintbrush since Ms. Carrell's class in high school. I was a little rusty, but I think there might be more painting in my future. Tonight we meet at my favorite local Italian joint for dinner on the patio. Hopefully the rain will move out of Northeast Georgia by then. Some times a girl just needs girl-time! I'll take the Penne alla Vodka, thank you very much!
I’m going home. Those words are music to my ears. There are few better feelings than the feeling of driving back to home (if home is a place you cherish). I’m spending the weekend with my sweet parents (while Cory's doing guy stuff) and I just can’t wait. Sleeping in my old bed, snuggling and playing with my little black pup, Chloe and her best bud, Crouton, having coffee with my parents in the sunroom…just like old times. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my life now, but there’s just something special about going home.
Hurricanes football…that’s right…I’m going to the homecoming game! I haven’t sat in the stands and cheered on my alma mater, the Monroe Area High School Purple Hurricanes in 6 years…but this Friday is homecoming and Monroe is undefeated thus far in the season (considering they’ve had really terrible losing records for years and years…this is a BIG deal if you’re from the small town of Monroe, GA). I’ll be in the stands with my parent’s who are also Purple Hurricanes. I doubt I’ll dust off an old out-dated ‘Monroe Area’ sweatshirt from my days as a cheerleader, but I’ll be there…probably wearing a sticker that says ‘Class of 2001’ = awesome!
This week has been filled with more than just good news. With the good comes the bad...peaks and valleys...ups and downs…right?
You see...I have this plan…it’s not written on paper…it’s not saved in some secret file…but I have it…in my head…in my heart…so to speak. And a lot (personally) is riding on this plan.
I was reminded this week (yet again)…that life isn’t always going to go as I plan. It’s not up to me. It never was and it never will be. Just because I really really really want something so badly, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen when, where and how I want it to.
So I’m swallowing some pride…re-evaluating….and grasping on to some faith that in the end…I have these desires for a reason. I’m not giving up on my goals, my sights are set on the prize. I’m holding tight to my belief that the perfect situation will work out in God’s perfect timing (not MY timing).
Somehow along the rabbit trails of blogs I follow…I ended up on a new blog today….and read this…."Whenever God gives you a vision, He places obstacles in your path. Why? So that you can become all that He created you to be. God doesn’t place these obstacles in your path to destroy you but to develop you. His greatest desire is to work out what He has built in." ~Michael Hyatt
His timing didn’t fail me today!