There was one incident this weekend that didn't amuse me! I prefer to call it
traumatic...terrible...and not nearly as funny as Cory found it to be.
If you know me then you know I don't exactly sport my natural hair color. I regularly (term used loosely) get my hair highlighted and low lighted. I do have tendency to wait a week or two too long to get it done and then my hair color leans towards the trashy side. Well this time around I've waited entirely too long. My roots are horrific! Embarrassed is an understatement for my sentiment towards these white-trash roots.

I Sunday morning Cory and I were just getting going. We spring out of bed in fast forward speed at the sight of the huge Pileated woodpecker that had just swooped down from the morning shadows and landed on the railing of our back deck! Bad news...we tried to snap a pic but our camera battery was dead...of course! Just as we realized the camera battery was DOA, the first woodpeckers larger woodpecker friend showed up! We were like little kids watching in amazement as these two big birds with bright red mohawks hopped around our deck! It was so cool!
After the two flew off for more adventures in the woods behind our house, I headed to our bathroom to tame my disheveled look. As I was examining the atrocity known as my roots, I noticed something I'd NEVER noticed before...something that's existence I refused to own up to because thus far in my life there had been no evidence of it! Sure other people had it...but not me! I slowly leaned over toward the bathroom mirror...smoothed the part in my hair...examined the length of my dark roots and I saw it...i saw THEM....OH MY GOSH I HAVE GRAY HAIR!!! Devastation swept over me...the realization that the aging process had no mercy on me either was a toughie to swallow! Next came the laughter from the closet! Cory found my discovery hysterical! I think the horror in my voice sent him over the edge with laughter! I...still not amused at this point can't stomach another glimpse. I vowed to harass my hair stylist to fit me in the earliest cancellation this week!
There are milestones in a woman's life that she'll never forget. Some happy, some cause for a celebration, some not so much! I can't say I'm celebrating the discovery that I indeed have gray hair. But it was definitely one of those milestones I'll never forget.
Funny thing is....I've been fighting the signs of aging more aggressively lately. Even though I've attempted to convince myself that the veins that have spontaneously made an appearance on my left leg are from lifting weights and running...I know it's because I'm getting older. I've purchased better products for my face and skin care, I've begun a 5:45am workout routine, but dang if aging doesn't laugh in my face!
Oh well...not much you can do about the inevitable except accept it with grace!
photo credit: conniee4
Hey lady... don't stress because you look FAR better than me and I'm only 23. If I look HALF as good as you do in the next few years, a couple of gray hairs should be a breeze to handle!
ReplyDeleteNow if I could only get myself up in the morning early enough to work out :(
I am getting gray hair too!! I'm going to have to start doing something soon. Very very soon....eek!! And BTW you look AMAZING!