At the Blackmon house, Cory keeps the grass green, fertilized and the weeds to a minimum! I, on the other hand, prefer to work in the flower beds . I try to keep the shrubs trimmed, flowers watered (well kinda), etc. My flowers of course look amateur, but for my first attempt at having flowers in my yard...I was pretty proud with my blooms this May. Here's a few shots of my spring flowers.... hydrangeas....

The potted plants I just threw together. I was pretty happy with how they turned out considering I'd never potted anything...EVER!

The sweet potato vines have since taken off and are super long for the other flowers...well they're not big fans of the summer heat. hydrangeas....
I helped out at a florist in Monroe back before our wedding. It was just a part time gig but I loved it. Each week when some of the potted plants were past their prime (and really weren't nice enough to sell to customers any more), they'd get thrown out.
I've always LOVED when I saw 3 droopy hydrangea plants sitting by the dumpster as I left the florist one afternoon I figured I'd 'rescue' them. I brought them to what is now our house and planted them...2 on the east/southeast side of our house and the 3rd on the opposite side. The 2 that get the morning sun are doing GREAT this year. Big beautiful blooms adorn each plant. The other, that gets the afternoon, sun came back this spring but has yet to produce any blooms.
I wondered what color blooms I'd get this year since the color of the blooms depends on the composition of the soil. When I planted them they had a few wilted pink blooms.
I anticipated pink or was like finding out the gender of your child but much less exciting I'm sure (HA!)...
I wondered what color blooms I'd get this year since the color of the blooms depends on the composition of the soil. When I planted them they had a few wilted pink blooms.
I anticipated pink or was like finding out the gender of your child but much less exciting I'm sure (HA!)...

I got a beautiful periwinkle purple color and I couldn't be happier! (hope this isn't foreshadowing my future offspring's gender...LOL)
The mums that I planted last fall are close to blooming and I'm astonished at how big they've gotten. After I give the flowerbed a tiny facelift I'll share some more pics. It looks kinda sad right now.
Have a fun and safe Independence Day!!!

Have a fun and safe Independence Day!!!
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