
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Changing your name...what a pain!

So today was officially name change day. Yes I got married in May but haven't really been motivated to change my name until this week. Plus I finally made it to Monroe so Emily could do my hair (I was totally sporting some white trash dark roots) and who wants dark roots in a pic that you're stuck with until 2012?!?! Not this girl! My morning started with a lovely trip to the department of driver services in scenic Gainesville, GA. (I only saw one dead chicken in the road). Things seemed to be going and out in less than 20 minutes...not bad. Well... until I got in my car and took a closer look at my new drivers license (which for once I liked the pic)...and realized that they misspelled my new last name! So I had to march my happy butt back in and tell the gal that my last name was spelled BlackmOn...not BlackmAn. Cory says I'll be dealing with this mix-up the rest of my life. GREAT! I then find out that they'll need to take another pic...DANG (which I didn't like as much as the first one!) and wait another 5 minutes for that to process and print. But not bad compared to my afternoon adventure to the Social Security office in Gwinnett County.

First: The social security office is conveniently open from 8:30 til 3:30 M-F...clearly not taking into consideration those who actually work for a living M-F!!! So I dreadfully walk through the door of the SS office...take my number...and look around for a chair...bad news...most of them were taken! Once I located a seat directly across from the restroom doors....yuck...I met a nice girl named Valerie who was married in April (so I don't feel like a terrible wife for not rushing out to change my name...someone actually waited longer than me). An hour and 15 minutes later...the one cheerful window operator calls my number and I dash to take my seat infront of her. A few minutes later I walk out of that horrid place with my receipt informing me I'll receive my new SS card in about 2 weeks. What a depressing place...I honest thought I'd end up spending all afternoon there waiting on my number to be called. Why don't guys have to go throuhg all of this trouble?!?!?

The good news is I'm basically done with the whole name changing process...thank GOD! Lauren Brooke Blackmon it is...though I secretly would have preferred Brooke Atha Blackmon but I've been told that changing your first name is a huge pain in the rear. So I opted for a simple last name change.

On to more exciting news...Cory bought a new dining room table today (from Costco...they "only had two left") so this was a true show of trust in 'Cory's taste' on my part. I haven't seen it yet in person...but from the pics he sent me on my looks awesome! Until next time...


  1. I can totally picture all this happening! Don't you just love gov. run facilities!! love you!

  2. Great story! Hilarious! Glad you are officially Mrs. BlackmOn. Love and miss you lots.
