What you'll need...
Combine chicken stock and tortilla strips in a large pot. Cook over medium heat until strips soften and broth thickens slightly. Stir in green and red enchilada sauces and cumin. Stir in turkey, water and half-and-half; heat through but do not boil.
Divide soup among four bowls and garnish avocado and cheese (I've opted out of the cheese both times and haven't regretted saving a few calories).
I tweaked the original recipe found here.
Sidenote: the tortillas will be a soft almost mushy like texture...which, to me, resembled a thin dumpling. Didn't want you to expect crunchy tortilla's and get the opposite.
Hope you enjoy this soup it as much as we do!
Hope this finds you having a great 'Cyber Monday'!
O Christmas Card, O Christmas Card…
Which design will we order?
There are so many cute cards this year
Choosing one is impossible
O Christmas Card, O Christmas Card…
Which design will we order?
This year we’re taking the same route as last year and sending out Christmas photo cards again! The photo cards seemed to be a big hit with the relatives since we never had any edited wedding photos printed for them.
We’ll be ordering our cards online from Shutterfly, which is a simple process. No going in a store, ordering, waiting a few days and going back to the store to pick them up. I’ll be ordering them from the comfort of my home…then walking to my mailbox to retrieve them in about a week!
I’ve narrowed my search for Christmas Cards down to these 3 designs… (feel free to comment and tell me which one is your favorite)
Decisions decisions....
It’s become apparent that my husband thinks I’m gullible. If I had a dollar for every time he’s tried to pull a fast one over on me, I’d have a new winter wardrobe!
Seriously the man thinks I’ll continue to fall for his little pranks…..think again, mister! The days of falling for the foolishness are over! (I hope) I’m catching on to these little jokes! It’s become fairly common to hear the words ‘say you swear’ come from my mouth in ordinary conversations when he’s just told me something that seems the tiniest bit far-fetched!
Most recently (last night) he tried to pull a prank over on me (that many people have fallen for according to the number of Youtube Videos you'll find when you search "bowl of water ceiling prank".)
NOT ME SUCKAAAA! I suppose he thinks I’m oblivious to viral pranks floating around the Internet. Newsflash: I’m surfing the web ALL DAY at work…I’m immersed in social media and chances are if a video becomes a viral phenomenon…I’ve probably seen it thanks to a room of 60 social media scavengers that I call co-workers.
Rather than try to describe the prank…you can just watch it for yourself…
Now for our little convo
Husband: "Hey…I have this really cool magic trick to show you!"
Me: (hesitation in my voice) "You do?"
Husband: "Yeah…give me a second"
(he goes into the kitchen…Fills a plastic up with water and grab the swiffer sweeper)
Me: "What kind of trick is this?" (more hesitation in my voice)
Husband: "You’ll see... "
Me: "Oooooook" (doubting there's any magic involved in what he's about to show me)
Husband: “Ok…come check this out....”
Me: “No…You show me…” (I watch the madness unfold from my spot on the couch)
Husband: “Ok I’m going to place this cup of water on the ceiling” (the proceeds to hold the cup of water up to the ceiling and while the holding the pole of the swiffer in his other hand) “Now I need you to come over here and hold the swiffer in place for me” (begins to place the pole to the bottom of the cup)
Me: "WHAT?!!? NO!!! Do you really think I’m that stupid!?!? I’ve seen this trick! You’re going to get me to hold the pole...then you’re going to run off! NO….I DON’T THINK SO!!!”
Husband: “Awww man! You’ve seen this trick?”
Me: “Yeah….and you’re a dummy for thinking I’m going to fall for it!”
He walks back in the kitchen…cup and swiffer in hand…head hung low!
“Never underestimate a man’s ability to underestimate a woman,” ~Kathleen Turner
This week has been filled with more than just good news. With the good comes the bad...peaks and valleys...ups and downs…right?
You see...I have this plan…it’s not written on paper…it’s not saved in some secret file…but I have it…in my head…in my heart…so to speak. And a lot (personally) is riding on this plan.
I was reminded this week (yet again)…that life isn’t always going to go as I plan. It’s not up to me. It never was and it never will be. Just because I really really really want something so badly, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen when, where and how I want it to.
So I’m swallowing some pride…re-evaluating….and grasping on to some faith that in the end…I have these desires for a reason. I’m not giving up on my goals, my sights are set on the prize. I’m holding tight to my belief that the perfect situation will work out in God’s perfect timing (not MY timing).
Somehow along the rabbit trails of blogs I follow…I ended up on a new blog today….and read this…."Whenever God gives you a vision, He places obstacles in your path. Why? So that you can become all that He created you to be. God doesn’t place these obstacles in your path to destroy you but to develop you. His greatest desire is to work out what He has built in." ~Michael Hyatt
His timing didn’t fail me today!
I’ll admit…I was apprehensive at first. "A blog?!?! What in the world would I say on said blog?!?! No way… I could ever be a ‘blogger’…nope…not for me! Plus I’d probably just make people mad because I’m sarcastic...or maybe I'd just bore them to death! It’s not going to be a rainbows and puppies type blog. Seriously...people probably won’t read it." Well friends…I jumped the blogging fence and here I am on the other side….a blogger (not a great, dedicated, I update my blog every day-type blogger...but a blogger none the less)!
(Back to the point of this post…sorry for the rabbit trail.) Blogger or not, do you read other blogs? Sure, you’re reading this (not-so-impressive) blog, but do you read other blogs…you know...the I-can’t-stop-reading/this-is-the-most-amazing-blog-ever type blogs? Because if you don’t…let me tell you…you’re missing out! I'm addicted to reading a number of awesome blogs!
Maybe you don’t know where to look to find these oh-so-amazing blogs I speak of….if this is the case, allow me to share some of my favorite blogs with you.
Disclaimer: Sometimes I feel like a stalker because I follow these blogs women/men I’ve never met, I’ll probably never meet…but I know about them, their family, their summer vacation, their latest struggles and triumphs and I must admit….I LOVE IT!!!
Following other blogs has given me insight into future parenthood, decorating ideas, marriage, new recipes, vacation suggestions, fashion trends….seriously…the possibilities of things you’ll learn from reading blogs is endless.
No joke...I refer to these blogs as 'crack blogs'. My friends who also already read these blogs concur...they're ADDICTIVE!
If you find yourself with a few extra minutes to spare…these are a must-read….
(**side note…these are all blogs of people I’ve never met…not blogs that my friends write)
Okay…now you’re thinking…that’s a lot of blogs to keep up with, Brooke! (trust me...that’s not half of the blogs I follow…just some of the best) How do I keep up with all of these blogs? Do I type in the URL and check for new post every day? Nope. Do I add them to my book marks and run down the list everyday looking for updates? Not a chance!
I use Google Reader! The geniuses over at Google have provided us with this web-based feed reader to keep up with blogs and news. Take a look! You’ll love it. To keep up with all my favorite blogs I just sign into my Google Reader account each day and tadaaaa…there’s a list of all the blogs I follow. If there’s a recent update to the blog…it’s in bold with the number of updates beside it. It looks like this…